What does Praecipe mean?

It comes from the Latin word praecipio, meaning: “I command (or order) ⌊this⌋

Here we make known publicly of our corrected status standing.

Setup and Publishing

You will create your own public notice by using our template (link below). Once completed please email the document in Word format to recordings@tsasa.africa

Our recording secretary will then allocate a recording number to your document. The document will be emailed back to you in PDF format and TSASA will publish your Praecipe to our website under the Public Notices page.


Log into your GFG account and go to the Documents page.

Scroll down to ‘Missing Documents’

Select this document type:

MiscellaneousMiscellaneous (SCANNED PDF ONLY) Upload

Upload your PDF Praecipe, with the recording number to your GFG account.



Download the Praecipe Template in Word format here:PRAECIPE TEMPLATE

Download this document in order to be able to edit it. ONLY edit items in red. Once completed, change the font colour to all to black before saving it and emailing it to our recording office. 

Example of completed Praecipe Form (fictional information)

Praecipe Sample Website-1